5 is free and friends with all the numbers except number 8. All numbers save number 5, which is in the center of the grid 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 have harmonics with particular numbers. When you put the nine single numbers, which are the basis of all material calculations on earth into a grid of 3 x 3, you will ger three sets of numbers: 1 4 7 2 5 8 and 3 6 9.

In Astro-Numerology, manifest man is considered to be composed of three spheres called the 'Three Grids' or 'The Three Mystical Triangles'.įOR VAASTU INTERNATIONAL COURSES - CLICK HEREįOR VASTU NUMEROLOGY COURSES - CLICK HERE

Man is the manifest projection of a superior Spirit, created by perfect Conception, Projection and Realisation of the thought of the Universal Law.